
Con o sin tilde para Android

  • Grátis

  • Em Português
  • V 1.0
  • 4.9

  • Status de segurança

Análise Softonic

Com ou sem acento - Um divertido jogo educativo para aprender a acentuação em espanhol

Con o sin tilde is an Android game developed by Leirach that aims to help users learn or reinforce their basic knowledge of Spanish accentuation rules. With over 100 questions in each of its three game modes, this app provides an engaging way to learn and practice accentuation.

In the "Regla general" mode, players learn the most common accentuation rules and are challenged to identify the stressed syllable in a word and determine whether it should be accented or not.

The "Contexto" mode focuses on accentuation in the context of sentences. Players are presented with incomplete sentences and must choose the word that best completes the sentence with the correct accentuation.

In the "Hiatos y diptongos" mode, players test their knowledge of strong and weak syllables. They are presented with words and must identify whether they contain a diphthong or a hiatus.

Overall, Con o sin tilde provides a fun and interactive way to learn and practice Spanish accentuation rules. With its three game modes and extensive question bank, users can improve their accentuation skills while enjoying a challenging gameplay experience.

Programa disponível em outros idiomas

Con o sin tilde para Android

  • Grátis

  • Em Português
  • V 1.0
  • 4.9

  • Status de segurança

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